Directed by Céline Sciamma, “Tomboy” is a french drama film released in 2011. This particularly short feature film, only lasting 82 minutes explores the life of a young family of 5 who just moved into an apartment complex in France. The main character is a relatively young girl named Laure, who is feeling awkward having just been introduced to a new home with her pregnant mother, father, and younger sister. When you first see Laure you are unaware of her gender (based on her short hair and un-identifying features) until later on when her mother calls her by name and one scene where she and her sister are in the bath. As the first few days pass Laure notices some kids playing outside the apartment and leaves her bed resting mother and sister to investigate. By the time she gets outside the kids are all gone except for one who introduces herself as Lisa. The two talk and eventually Laure introduces herself as Mikäel. Lisa and Laure then explore and join the other children in their activities. Continuing into the film, we see how far Laure can take her ambiguous image to portray herself as a boy without being discovered. The movies cinematography was beautifully done to portray the characters and the vast landscape of the setting. As for casting, stunning choices and excellent acting. The main character Laure, played by “Zoé Héran” was nominated for multiple awards for best drama female lead. Over all the film was very moving and a one of a kind view of a young trans girl in Europe.
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